The Phoenix area is host to a wide range of pests, including:

  • termites
  • scorpions
  • roaches
  • rodents
  • spiders
  • ants
  • fleas and ticks
  • spiders
pests plus

These pesky pests pose risks to both your property and your health, capable of  damage to homes – especially in the case of termites – as well as painful (and sometimes dangerous) bites and stings.

Knowing what pests are in your local area can help you to identify any problems and help you on your path to getting rid of them with professional treatment from House Doctor Exterminating.



Despite their fondness for a moist environment, subterranean termites are prevalent in the Phoenix Metropolitan area with millions of wood-frame structures and a high concentration of water beneath the surface.


Termites are often found in plumbing, utility openings, expansion joints, or even cracks in the foundation. They will tunnel through wood support beams and can go undetected in a home, damaging the structure. Once detected, it’s crucial the infestation is treated immediately

What to Look For

Termites are small insects that tend to be creamy white to pale in color. Identifying termites can be tricky and should be confirmed by a professional. Pay attention to any wood damage around your property, along with sagging or blister paint. Mud tubes can also be found around foundation walls and are about the width of a pencil.


We treat termites by drilling small holes through expansion joints or concrete slab areas, applying Termidor underground to eliminate the termite colony beneath the structure. Special precautions are taken to avoid drilling certain surfaces which can be treated using alternative methods such as foams or needle injections.


Cockroaches are resilient insects and difficult to exterminate. They tend to infest dirty areas, spreading germs and bacteria, and even transmitting diseases. If you find one cockroach in your house, it’s vital to have a professional investigate; there may be a larger infestation.

cockroach types


Cockroaches love dark, damp places that are messy, providing them with cover. They tend to be light sensitive and will come out at night. You are likely to find them in kitchens, bathrooms, and anywhere there is water or food particles.

What to Look For

There are three types of cockroaches with different appearances. However, they are all smaller, light to dark brown in appearance, and have the ability to fly. Seeing a cockroach is usually the first indication of a nest, but small fecal droppings, a musty odor, and egg casings are other signs to watch for.


The best treatment for exterminating cockroaches is Alpine insecticide which contains the active ingredient dinotefuran. It can be used as a spray or a bait that cockroaches take back to the nest to kill the entire colony.

devil scorpion


Two species of scorpions call Arizona home; The highly venomous Arizona Bark Scorpion and the Devil Scorpion. Both species can easily sneak into a home seeking shelter, food, or water, and can pose a risk to your safety.


Scorpions prefer to stay under the cover of rocks, between cracks, or around tree bark hiding from the sun. They are nocturnal creatures and prefer darkness to move around. In homes, they are found in crawl spaces, attics, wall voids, entry points, and any outdoor structures.

What to Look For

Arizona Bark Scorpions are small, quick, and pale yellow in color. The Devil Scorpion is larger and also pale yellow, but has dark marking on the back and a thicker tail. Aside from seeing a scorpion in your home, keep an eye out for shed exoskeletons, fecal droppings and if you have unexplained stings on your body. If you do suspect a sting, seek out medical attention immediately.


Arizona is known to have the most species of ants out of any of the states. In the Phoenix are, there are several species that can become not only a nuisance, but present harm to both you and your property.

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Ants are easy to overlook until there’s a line of them crawling over your countertops. They can be found throughout a house including the kitchen, bathroom, anywhere around food including garbage cans, electrical outlets, foundations, and around windows. They will follow a scent left by other ants and quickly swarm an area.

What to Look For

There are many species of ants in the Phoenix area including: Crazy Ants, Carpenter Ants, Pavement Ants, and Pharaoh Ants among others. Each type of ant will have different characteristics, including colors. Seeing an ant means that their friends are on their way. Check common areas for them and for any bites that you may have.